TextNews July 24, 2019 Opening an old website is like stumbling upon a forgotten tomb, or an ancient city fallen to ruin. On one hand it's like finding a new world, a new civilization, but on the other it's like being invited to a party that's already over. Everybody grew up, went to college, got jobs, started families, retired, and died even. Have I been missing out this much? July 18, 2019 I just heard about what happened to Kyoto Animation... that really sucks! My heart goes out to all the people and families affected by these events. It is truly tragic. In other news, I just had to do an interview for my job. It went well, though I know it could have gone much better. Tonight I'm gonna make a big ol formal update, with some good juicy content! July 17, 2019 Just a quick test, doing mini text updates is a lot easier than full on HTML posts/videos. Maybe I'll keep the shorter posts text based from now on?